Tuesday 14 August 2012

Gaming isn't a sin!

Throughout my life I have been a video games / console connoisseur. I have played MMORPGs on the internet, childhood beauties such as Pokémon on the game boy, Mario-marvels on the Nintendo and so on. I have always been a middle of the row student, mainly getting Bs et al in my exams/coursework and my parents always said that I had “wasted my time”, on these “stupid games”. Perhaps your parents have said this to you also, I have decided to step away from the sports world and attempt to argue the Holy Grail of parenting excuses. There are a number of aspects which can help develop a person through the art of gaming and I shall discuss them ..right now!

1.)    Competition – The majority of video games (mostly on consoles), be that FIFA, Call of Duty, etc not only allow you a fun time, but lay down a challenge, be that outwitting the computer/story mode, or taking on your fellow gamers online. The satisfaction of winning gives you a perk and the anger/frustration of losing gives you that drive to do better next time.

2.)    Community – Ever since my first online game, back in the days of Runescape during Primary School, I made a conscious effort to talk to people and make friends over certain games. You cannot go outside and talk to somebody from the other side of the globe, however I have developed a good rapport with a number of people over the globe… and as a budding sociologist, understanding different cultures can be achieved in this way.. be that understanding that my German friends cannot take sarcasm and also understanding whatever happens.. you will never beat an Asian person at levelling up on an MMORPG.

3.)    Typing – This may sound preposterous, but I feel that computer games helped my ability to type over 80 words a minute more than anything I have done in my life. Whilst I was in Year 4 of Primary School, I was introduced to the infamous “Multi-player monkey you cannot get off your back” named Runescape. I would sit on my computer and fail to find keys and I would rant, saying that “THE X KEY ISN’T ON THIS KEYBOARD!” .. until someone showed me. Playing this game for as long as I am ashamed to have played for, helped me develop very quick typing skills.

4.)    Imagination – My parents would always say to me that time spent on video games can be spent “reading a book” or playing outside, and I will not deny, the many books I have read have really helped my imagination to blossom, but the challenges and aspects of video games, right there on the screen can help you think more.. which leads onto my final aspect..

5.)    Challenges – Anyone who takes an IQ test of some kind will find many puzzles and such like events, and the art of playing video games can help stimulate cognitive processes, which can help increase your IQ .. take a look here -http://kotaku.com/5457590/us-navy-video-games-improve-brains-fluid-intelligence

I am not condoning a ridiculous amount of game playing here, I would like anyone who reads this, not to use it as an excuse to be on their games 24/7 .. I feel I did not balance gaming with other hobbies enough, and I would take this time to remind you that everything should be taken in moderation. I hope you enjoyed this blog just as much as my sports ones..  

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