Thursday 7 February 2013

My Bucket List

The Bucket List is a concept which derives from the phrase 'Kicked the bucket' .. it's basically a list of things to do before you die. A lot of Bloggers do this, and they are always the same.. I am not the most exciting person in the world.. and I like my home comforts, but there are a few things I'd love to do before I kick the bucket. 

1.) Learn another language - I have been to a few countries in my life, and my sister is multi-lingual, and therefore I have seen, from first-hand, how this can really be beneficial. Us English guys and girls simply suck at learning languages. I speak to foreign people on a daily basis and they all say that we are too lazy to learn languages, which is true...well it has been for me so far. Yet, the main reason is our schooling. I was in the second set for French in my year and I comfortably achieved a B at GCSE. However I could barely get by now if a French person tried to hold a conversation with me.

My aim: Hopefully at some point in the next few years, I will be able to spend time learning either French or Spanish fluently, as in the future, if I have kids and a family, I'd be able to go to these countries and show them the true cultural ways of life and be able to get around easier too!

2.) Own my own radio show/Podcast: I have always liked the idea of being a somebody, but not a famous person. I do like to share my views (which is obviously why I blog. Yet with a radio or podcast, you are able to hold discussions and share views, and then allow for your 'fans' to get to know you, as well as get involved also. 

My aim: is simply to have at least tried radio/podcasts by the time i've finished University.

3.) Complete a Half Marathon: I used to keep fit a lot, I once made the mistake of letting my friends know that I used to have a six-pack and ever since I discovered alcohol and snacking, this went to pot and I can no longer fall back on muscle madness! (/sarcasm) ...I have previously half-heartedly trained for upcoming racing events and looked for more and more. Yet I would really feel i've accomplished something, if I manage to complete a half marathon..and also give money to charity, which would make me feel doubly good about myself.

My aim: Complete a half-marathon by the age of 30, and if I have done it by the age of 25, go on to train for a marathon.

4.) Visit America: This one of the most popular bucket list entries for European writers. Yet, I have never had the chance to go to America in my childhood/teenage years. There is probably no point going now until I hit the legal age of drinking/gambling in America right now. So maybe in the future, once I have a stable job, I could look at either going with friends of family in the future. 

My aim: Be able to say that i've gambled in Vegas and seen the Statue of Liberty with my own eyes.

5.) Own a shop/restaurant/bar: I've always liked the idea of owning some sort of property. All men want to buy a bar (and name if Puzzles, only the HIMYM fans will understand this!).. yet i'd love to be able to point to a building and say "I made this happen" or "I own this". It would be a risk and I'd have to work very hard to get the money to be able to achieve this dream.. but who knows?

My aim: Own a bar/restaurant/shop by the age of 50!

1 comment:

  1. If anyone fancies sharing their Bucket Lists.. you can do it here :)
